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Great Reads for Good Food

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Cryotherapy: The Newest Wellness Trend, But Is It Safe and Effective?

Cryotherapy: The Newest Wellness Trend, But Is It Safe and Effective? A new trend recently kicked off in the Wellness industry. It's called cryotherapy, and it is what it sounds like: voluntarily being put ...

How Can We Prepare for the Potential 2020 Influenza Pandemic?

During the influenza epidemic of 1918, 500 million infected people worldwide succumbed to the H1N1 influenza virus: 100 million of them died. The 1918 pandemic attacked patients' lungs leaving them unable t...

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

All across the United States, governors and mayors are making declarations for Mental Health Awareness Month, which takes place during the month of May. While most people recognize the importance of achieving and maintaining physical heal...

Tips for Quick Weight Loss Without Any Sacrifices

Many people turn to crash diets or quick fixes to lose weight, but these methods often require you to make big sacrifices, like eliminating entire food groups or spending long hours at the gym. Others take it too far by sk...

For Unemployed Parents Preparing for the Fourth Quarter of 2020

Women are three times more likely than men to be unemployed as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. Women are more likely to be home navigating online classrooms with their children. Unemployed parents staying ...

Physical Activity That Promotes Weight Loss

Physical Activity That Promotes Weight Loss Exercise reduces the risk of chronic disease, makes you feel better, boosts your mental acuity, and helps you sleep better. You park your car in the back of the parking lot when you go t...

Feeling Anxious About Dropping Your Face Mask? Coping Strategies to Help

As cities and states drop their mask mandates, some Americans may be feeling anxious about dropping this facial covering. After two years of wearing a mask, it can be difficult to wrap your head around...

Struggling to Remember to Take Medication Each Day? Follow These Proven Tips

Despite the best of intentions, many people forget to take their medication as prescribed. When life gets busy, it is easy to let these tasks slip your mind. Unfortunately, forgetting to take impor...

Going Back to the Basics: Companies Invest in Natural Wellness Products

Though humans have experimented with psychoactive substances for millennia, modern society largely frowns upon using psychoactive compounds found in plants such as cannabis and certain mushrooms. For a r...