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Great Reads for Good Food

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Looking to Lose the COVID-19 Weight? Try These Small and Achievable Steps

Do not get down on yourself if you have put on some weight over the last year. Recent studies show that an overwhelming amount of Americans gained some extra pounds during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemi...

Heat is on the Way. How You Can Stay Cool Without Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is a luxury that not everyone has access to. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made it even more difficult to find relief from the heat with so many public spaces operating at a limited capa...

How to Manage Anxiety After Social Distancing for a Year

After nearly 18 months of social distancing, people are finally feeling more comfortable leaving their homes and joining their friends and extended family members. People are also doing more activities in person, such ...

The Benefits of Knowing Yourself for Overall Wellness

Self-awareness is key to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. When you know who you are and what makes you happy, making decisions that align with your values and interests becomes more manageable. However, many individuals nev...

Food Stamps: An Incredibly Food Security Strategy That Works For All

Food stamps are the most effective, cost-effective way for the U.S. to address hunger, and they're an excellent investment because someone who eats nutritiously has more energy to work, study and be a good ...

Experts Warn That Food Stamps Hurt Food Prices

Since the COVID pandemic hit America in 2020, tens of millions of additional people have had to get on food stamps, now known as the SNAP benefit. It's really hard to square this circle with the government's talking...

From Mouth Taping to Metamucil Gummies, Check Out the 2023 Wellness Trends

Health and wellness have never been more on fire, especially in this post-pandemic world where folks want to maintain a strong, healthy body and mind. There are some fascinating and even weird heal...

Cryotherapy: The Newest Wellness Trend, But Is It Safe and Effective?

Cryotherapy: The Newest Wellness Trend, But Is It Safe and Effective? A new trend recently kicked off in the Wellness industry. It's called cryotherapy, and it is what it sounds like: voluntarily being put ...

Stuck at Home with No Culinary Skills? How You Can Take Care of Yourself

With the majority of the country practicing self-quarantine protocol as a result of the deadly coronavirus, it has become more important than ever to be sufficient in the kitchen. Many of the nation's ...